
headshot photo of smiling Afro-Latina woman with shoulder-length straight hair wearing a dark blazer and white blouse

Entrevista con Angélica Vega sobre Justicia Reproductiva por el Mes de la Herencia Latine 2022

October 10, 2022

En honor al Mes de la Herencia Latine y considerando la reciente decisión Dobbs de la Corte Suprema que derogó Roe v Wade, conversé con una colega latina defensora de la justicia reproductiva.

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headshot photo of smiling Afro-Latina woman with shoulder-length straight hair wearing a dark blazer and white blouse

Reproductive Justice Interview with Angelica Vega for Latine Heritage Month 2022

September 12, 2022

Women of color already mistrust the medical system, and now post-Roe v Wade there’s a fear of being prosecuted for reproductive care. Latina disability advocate Angelica Vega discussed reproductive justice and her own experiences with PCOS with AWN for our blog.

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logos for American Association of People with Disabilities Autistic Self Advocacy Network Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Be A Hero Center for American Progress Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Little Lobbyists Women Enabled International

Disability Organizations Respond to the Overturning of Roe v Wade

June 24, 2022

The decision upends a core value at the heart of American life and law: that we each enjoy the individual liberty to make certain personal decisions without government interference. The very lives of disabled people depend upon the ability to make personal decisions without interference – including decisions about our bodies and medical care.

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photo of crutch plus a chain. Text Juneteenth and the legacy of disabled Black slaves. Below are red yellow and green stripes and the AWN logo

Juneteenth and the legacy of disabled Black slaves

June 12, 2022

Juneteenth recognizes the day when enslaved African-American people in Texas were freed two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Yet history has largely forgotten how many enslaved disabled people also were not liberated by the Emancipation…

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A teal and light teal background with two photos. Photo on the left is Nancy dressed in Hmong clothes. Photo on the right is a golden paper flower statue that Nancy made for her first Hmong shaman altar.

A Series of Essays on Hmong and Disability for Asian American Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month

May 20, 2022

This piece is based on ongoing community conversations in the Hmong disability movement. It focuses on the theme of binaries within disability culture, such as the binary of “Western versus traditional,” within Hmong disability discourse.

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Shain Neumeier, Cheryl McCollins, Naomi Jones, Jabari Brisport, Tony Alexander, and Lydia X. Z. Brown stand behind a podium with the New York state seal.

#StopTheShock: Why we should all support Andre’s Law in New York

May 13, 2022

Last week, Lydia X. Z. Brown and I traveled to Albany, New York to speak at a press conference within the New York state capitol. We urged state legislators to pass New York Senate Bill…

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Dos lesbianas latinas mexicanas se abrazan íntimamente en una piscina

Latine Lesbian Visibility on TV: My Special Interest in Juliantina

April 26, 2022

When I found the lesbian romance between Juliana and Valentina in Mexican telenovela “Amar a Muerte,” I felt seen, and I felt hope.

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Dos lesbianas latinas mexicanas se abrazan íntimamente en una piscina

Visibilidad lesbiana latine en la pantalla: mi interés especial en Juliantina

April 26, 2022

Cuando encontré el romance lésbico entre Juliana y Valentina en la telenovela mexicana “Amar a Muerte”, me sentí visibilizada y me sentí esperanzada.

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Nine women of color of various races and gender presentations, some with apparent disabilities, smiling at the camera. One has a dog, and one is wearing a shirt that says Radical Acceptance. The text says Women's History Month Community Roundtable, and the AWN logo is in the corner.

AWN Women’s History Month Community Roundtable

March 31, 2022

AWN is highlighting the voices of women of color community members, advocates, and leaders with cerebral palsy and autoimmune conditions. We present a roundtable with Sarah Rizzuto, Rahnee K. Patrick, Terri Lynne Hudson, India Harville, Zahra J. Brown, Sara M. Acevedo, Carla L. Lewis-Irizarry, DeVan L. Hankerson Madrigal, and Jen White-Johnson. 

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A banner that says Black History Month Community Roundtable, and has pictures of five Black people arranged below the text, against a colorful painted abstract background.

AWN Community Black History Month Roundtable 2022

February 26, 2022

For Black History Month in 2022, AWN is highlighting the voices of Black autistic community members, advocates, and leaders within AWN and some of our partners and friends. We present a roundtable with Alex Toliver, Tony Alexander, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Oluwatobi Maeyen Odugunwa, and Jessica Horvath Williams. 

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Two Black people look at notebooks while sitting next to each other. The title "The Intersections of Race & Autism Diagnostic Disparities & Marginalized Existence" and author name "Alexis Toliver" are also visible.

The Intersections of Race and Autism: Diagnostic Disparities and Marginalized Existence

February 17, 2022

I am a Black, queer, disabled, and non-binary individual.

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text is in pink, purple, black and teal and reads: October is NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH In the US, about 1 in 4 people has a disability Disabled people are twice as likely to be unemployed than those without disabilities

October 2021 National Disability Employment Awareness Month Infographics

October 28, 2021

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. We have created graphics to illustrate issues facing autistic people in the workplace.

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* All articles on this website are offered as personal viewpoints of the author and should never be a substitute for your medical recommendations. Always consult your personal healthcare professional before making changes to your prescribed or recommended health care plan.