News & Announcements

Image description: two rows of chalk-drawing style hearts in trans pride colors (pink, white, pale blue) on a dark gray background. Text in chalkboard font says: TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS / Transgender & Intersex People #WontBeErased / Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network, with a small AWN logo

AWN Network Opposes Trump’s Attempt to Take Away Transgender People’s Civil and Human Rights

October 29, 2018

Last week, the New York Times reported that the Trump administration is considering a proposal to roll back protections for transgender people across multiple federal agencies. These protections originally came from the Obama White House.…

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Image description: AWN logo with "awn network" underneath, in a white circular cutout. Below that is a blue banner with the text "autistic women & nonbinary network /" and background is mottled gray.

Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network Statement on #FamiliesBelongTogether

June 24, 2018

In May 2018 the United States, under the administration of Donald Trump, implemented a policy to forcibly seize minor children from their parents when undocumented families are apprehended crossing the border. When these families, who…

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Image is the AWN logo with blue and purple floral garnishes on a spring green background

AWN Statement on the Santa Fe Texas High School Shooting

May 19, 2018

For the students, teachers, and staff of Houston-area Santa Fe High School, their morning began like any other day, but it ended in tragedy as 10 individuals (9 students and 1 teacher) were murdered by…

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Image description: AWN logo with "awn network" underneath, in a white circular cutout. Below that is a blue banner with the text "autistic women & nonbinary network /" and background is mottled gray.

Name Change ~ Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN)

April 26, 2018

For years, Autism Women’s Network has been a tremendous source of support and of community outreach run for and by actually autistic people. I am so excited to announce that effective July 1, Autism Women’s…

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Image is the AWN logo with blue and purple floral garnishes on a spring green background

Justice for DJ

April 10, 2018

For DJ, an 8 year old autistic boy, being yelled at and having his iPad taken away triggered a meltdown. But what started as a meltdown ended as a criminal battery charge for DJ when…

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Image is the AWN letter “a” logo with a spoonfly perched on the upper left corner.

AWN Urges Media Caution When Reporting On Parkland Florida School Shooting

February 15, 2018

AWN urges caution when speculating about any mental health diagnosis of the shooter in the recent Florida tragedy. News outlets have already begun speculating about the shooter’s possible links to mental health. We especially implore…

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Text reads: "united against hate we pledge to work for justice and an end to oppression" (Image is a fist with an impression of the AWN logo centered bottom.)

AWN Statement on Charlottesville

August 21, 2017

The events that occurred last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia when a vehicle driven by a white supremacist drove deliberately through a crowd of peaceful anti-racism protesters (killing one individual and injuring numerous others) shocked and…

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AWN Statement of Solidarity with Communities and Officers Affected By Violence

July 19, 2016

Autism Women’s Network grieves with the families of the police officers in Baton Rouge whose lives were brutally taken. We continue to mourn with the families of the officers and civilians who were murdered or…

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Image is the AWN letter “a” logo with a spoonfly perched on the upper left corner.

Statement in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

July 7, 2016

Autism Women’s Network remains committed to adding our voice to the fight for justice in marginalized communities. It’s with deep sadness that we find ourselves once again needing to do so with the recent murders…

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Image Description: Image of a forest with the white text, "Community Living ... It's the Law. Unjustified segregation of disabled people from the community violates the ADA. Individuals who can and want to live in the community must be reasonably accommodated. Olmstead v L.C., June 22, 1999"

Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision – Landmark Civil Rights Case for the Disabled

June 22, 2016

Today is the anniversary of the decision in Olmstead v. L.C., a landmark case for the disabled brought under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).  In some ways, the Olmstead…

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Image is a large magenta lowercase letter "a" with a perching spoon-shaped dragonfly, gray with blue wings. Below the letter is the text "autism women's network" in dark gray.

AWN Statement on Potential FDA Aversive Shock Therapy Ban

April 26, 2016

Autism Women’s Network (or AWN, a non-profit advocacy organization run by and for Autistic women and non-binary individuals,) has recently learned that the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a ban on aversive shock therapy.…

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AWN Statement on False Claims

December 2, 2015

Autism Women’s Network wants to address a concern that has recently come to light. We are intentionally being broad in our statement and have chosen to not use personal names. If this causes you confusion…

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* All articles on this website are offered as personal viewpoints of the author and should never be a substitute for your medical recommendations. Always consult your personal healthcare professional before making changes to your prescribed or recommended health care plan.