Autistic Self-Advocates Preparing to be Loud

In my previous two posts, Real Communication Shutdown and Autistics Speaking Day, I proposed that on November 1st, instead of shutting down our online communication, that online Autistics be loud.

The idea is that since NTs are taking part in Communication Shutdown, and are at least going to not be saying anything on Twitter and Facebook, that we should take the opportunity to share our experiences and our strengths, and what it’s like to be autistic.

While this is certainly a response to Communication Shutdown, whether it is a counter-event or protest of the Shutdown depends on whether or not you agree with Shutdown.  This can be a complementary event, an alternative event or a counter-protest event.  We can agree to disagree on the details about this.  What matters though, is that people participate.

This event is open to EVERYONE, in every country and region.  You want to take part, awesome! Go ahead; on November 1, tweet, post on Facebook and/or blog.

When I proposed Autistics Speaking Day, I merely thought that it’ll be myself plus a couple of others participating.  However, it turns out that there are a lot of people who feel the same, and different names for it, from Autism ShoutOut! to our Autistics Speaking Day.

The name for it doesn’t matter.  This is a day that is supposed to be about spreading Autism Awareness, therefore it’s OUR day.  It doesn’t just belong to me, it belongs to all of us, and what matters is that we stand together to raise Autism awareness.

As I’ve said before, I would like the day to acknowledge our difficulties, yes, but also share our strengths, our passions, our interests, our “obsessions”, while being mindful of the subject matters, as some subjects are triggers for people.

I’m not one for organizing this into an organized event; I’d rather this continue to be a very free-form event where people participate as they choose.  As for me? I’ll be online, on my Twitter that goes to my Facebook.  I hope to post here as well, perhaps link to some of what I consider my best posts.

I will also be dedicating an hour of my Twittering for The Coffee Klatch at 2pm EST.

If you’d like a little more organization, Kathryn Bjørnstad has set up a Facebook Events page for Autistics Speaking Day.

Also, I believe the Autism Blog Directory is complying a list of Autistic blogs and participants, if you’d like to share with them.

Thank you all very much for all your responses and support!!  I can’t wait to hear you all on November 1st!

On November 1st, Autistics Speak; Will you listen? Autistics Speaking Day

Original post at: No Stereotypes Here.

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