Meet Amy Sequenzia, AWN Contributing Writer

What is fun about me?

I don’t know if other people think it is fun, but my synesthetic experience is awesome. I see colors and movement when I listen to music. I Amy Sequenziaalso see and feel words.

I make noises and fun sounds. It is not an attempt to speak, it is a form of stim that my friends like too because it mostly indicates that I am relaxed and happy.

I like to spin and I can have fits of laughter that, being contagious, makes everybody laugh too.

I once went for a month-long camping trip from Pennsylvania to Colorado and hiked up the Rocky Mountains (the easy part of it). It was cold and the air was thin but it felt good to go so high.

This is my hope for the Autistic community:

I hope our community can get more and more confident about our ability to effect change in how Autistics are seen, treated and respected.

I believe we are making progress, even if it is still so hard.

I know we are leading the way for many. There are many young Autistics showing pride and demanding to be treated with respect, and we have more parents seeing and valuing their children for who they are. This makes me very happy and I try to remember this every time activism gets hard and when disappointment comes to hurt.

More about Amy.

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