
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Haley Moss, Autistic Teen Honored at New York Event

July 28, 2011

The 10th annual Samsung Hope for Children event in New York featured former President Bill Clinton, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Moore and Dan Marino, but a Parkland teenager nonetheless stood out. Haley Moss, autistic but with…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Utah’s Autistic Students Thrive at Google Software Camp

July 27, 2011

When 11-year-old Christopher Charles designed his super zoo last week, the dinosaurs, dragons and gigantic bugs came to life with computer software that may one day help him find a job. Thanks to free Google…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Top Ten Myths About Selective Mutism

July 25, 2011

Myth #1 Selective mutism is extremely rare The most recent study showed a prevalence rate for Selective Mutism of 7.1 per 1,000 children (Bergman, 2002). Older surveys ranged from 0.08 %, or 0.8 per 1,000…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Mother Who Strangled Autistic Son Walks Free

July 2, 2011

Yvonne Freaney was cleared of murder after she admitted to the manslaughter of her 11-year-old son Glen in May 2010.   Source ::

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Autistic Man’s Academic Achievements Earn Him Scholarship to Cochise College

June 28, 2011

When Ray and Diane Thomas walked to the tricycle races at Buena High School during Project Graduation, “both eyes lit up and she said, ‘Come on Ray, lets go for a spin,’ ” said Tim…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Diagnostic Tests for Autism May Miss Many Girls

June 28, 2011

The symptoms of Asperger syndrome look slightly different in girls than in boys, according to a study published earlier this month in Research in Developmental Disabilities1. This study and a spate of other recent ones…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Pre-Employment Personality Tests and the Disability Community

June 18, 2011

The office of Commissioner Felblum of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has scheduled a meeting with representatives from the disability and business communities to discuss the use of personality tests as pre-employment screening tools. The Autism Women’s…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Tell Congress “No” to Three More Years of the Same On Autism Policy

May 26, 2011

Today, Senators Menendez and Enzi will be introducing legislation extending the Combating Autism Act for three more years. The Combating Autism Act was passed in 2005 without the involvement or consultation of a single Autistic…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Action Research in Partnership with the Autistic Community

May 20, 2011

The Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership In Research and Education(AASPIRE) brings together the academic community and the Autistic community to develop and perform research projects relevant to the needs of adults on the autistic spectrum. AASPIRE’s partnership…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic

April 27, 2011

Todd Drezner recently directed his first documentary film “Loving Lampposts: Living Autistic,” (available on DVD, queue on Netflix) and he is also the father of Sam, an autistic child. The title of the film refers to…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network


April 14, 2011

To some, Autism Awareness Month might mean purchasing puzzle shaped cookies at local restaurants in order to support a cure for autism. For others, it might mean participating in walks, writing letters to legislators, screening…

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Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network

AWN Radio, Workshops, and an Invitation Back to the White House

April 1, 2011

Today is the kick-off to what looks like a really busy month for the autism community.  With that said, please let us know what you or your organization has planned for April, and we will…

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* All articles on this website are offered as personal viewpoints of the author and should never be a substitute for your medical recommendations. Always consult your personal healthcare professional before making changes to your prescribed or recommended health care plan.