Autistic Advocates to Testify at Congressional Hearing

Many of you have contacted Autism Women’s Network with concerns that autistic women were not invited to testify before the Nov. 29, 2012 House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to speak in behalf of their unique needs.

First, please understand that initially no autistic people were even invited until yesterday, and this late-hour invitation came about only after the onset of social media protests along with ASAN’s petition about the exclusion of autistic input. At this point, we are grateful that the Autistic community will indeed be present at the Hearing with Michael John Carley of Grasp and Ari Ne’eman of Autistic Self Advocacy Network to speak about the needs of all autistic people.

AWN President, Sharon daVanport has been in contact with Ari Ne’eman about the concerns raised regarding the lack of representation by autistic women; and Ari states that he will be including in his testimony, comments with respect to the unique challenges faced by women/girls on the autism spectrum. Ari has sat on AWN’s Advisory Board since the onset of our organization, and he is in a position to comment (as a person who cares) about the distinct needs and disparities which exist among autistic females. Sharon also contacted Rep. Issa of the Government Reform Committee to share these concerns in hopes this oversight will not happen in the future.

For now, let’s celebrate the VICTORY of two Autistic advocates testifying before the Congressional Hearing; and more importantly, let us look forward to the time when we won’t have to engage in celebration over the fact that autistics are included in conversations about us, because it should always be that way to begin with. “NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US!!”

Information on Congressional Hearings can be found at CSPAN: